Explore the Archive
Browse more than 4,321 items and 13 collections in the digital American Vaudeville Museum Archive to learn more about how this popular form of entertainment helped shape American Popular culture we know today.
By Subject
- Acrobats
- Actors
- Actors Women
- Actors, film
- Adelaide Astor
- Adele Rowland
- Advertisements
- African American
- African American composers
- African Americans
- Albert Johnson
- Albert Vargas
- Animals
- Anna Lehr
- Annette Kellerman
- Archie Gottler
- Arthur Tracy
- Arthur Williams
- August Labitzky
- Balancing acts
- Ballard MacDonald
- Bands
- Be Yourself
- Beatrice Fairfax
- Belle Story
- Berthold Tours
- Bicycle acts
- Bicyclists
- Blackface
- Blackface entertainers
- Boswell Sisters
- Burlesque
- Cab Calloway
- Cairns James
- Charities
- Charles K. Harris
- Charles McCarron
- Charles N. Daniels
- Circus
- Circus performers
- Clowns
- Cole Porter
- Colin Coop
- Comedians
- Composers
- Composers: World WarI
- Contracts
- Cyclists
- D.A. Esrom
- Dairies
- Daisy Leon
- Dancers
- Daughter of the Gods
- Drama
- Drisdall Sisters
- Dwarfs
- Ed Wynn
- Edmund Payne
- Emma Carus
- F.W. Vandersloot
- Fanny Brice
- Feature films
- Female
- Female Impersonators
- Females
- Film
- Film soundtracks
- Follow the Fleet
- Frank Wheeler
- Franz von Suppé
- Fred Astaire
- Fred Astaire, A Damsel in Distress, Film soundtracks,George Gershwin, Ira Gershwin
- Gene Buck
- George Burns
- George Edwardes
- George Grossmith Jr.
- Gertie Moulton
- Ginger Rodgers
- Grace La Rue
- Grace Le Boy
- Gracie Allen
- Groups
- Gus Kahn
- H.J.W. Dam
- H.T. Merrill
- Harry Von Tilzer
- Honky Tonk
- Howard Talbot
- Irene Shannon
- Irving Berlin
- Ivan Caryll
- James Bland
- James F. Hanley
- James Vincent Monaco
- Jill Corey
- Joe Goodwin
- Jugglers
- Juggling
- Julian Eltinge
- Karyl Norman
- Kate Cutler
- Kate Smith
- Katie Seymour
- Kerry Mills
- Leila Hyams
- Leon Errol
- Leon P. Rundell
- Lillian Gohn
- Lillie Belmore
- Little Beauties
- Louie the 14th
- Lusitania
- Madame President
- Male comedians
- Male dancers
- Male dancers, Women dancers
- Male impersonators
- Males
- Mamie Johnson
- Maria Davis
- Marilyn Miller
- Mary Garden
- Mary Maurice
- Mills Brothers
- Minstrel Show
- Minstrel shows
- Miss Pearl White
- Motion picture actors and actresses
- Motion pictures
- Muiscals
- Musical groups
- Musicals
- Musicians
- My Man
- Nat Mortan
- Neil Moret
- Opera
- Organizations
- Peformance arts
- Performance Art
- Performance arts
- Performers
- Periodicals
- Plate spinners
- Popular music
- Puppetry
- Revues
- Robert Nainby
- Ruth St. Denis, Ted Shawn
- Scenes
- Seymour Hicks
- Sheet Music
- Shelton Brooks
- Silent Films
- Singers
- Sophie Tucker
- Sopranos (Singers)
- Sphie Tucker, African American composers
- Stuart Erwin
- Sydney Smith
- Ted Shapiro
- Ted Synder
- The Big Broadcast
- The Gay Divorcee
- Theater
- Theater bills
- Theaters
- Theatrical producers and directors
- Variety shows (Theater)
- Vaudeville
- Vaudeville song
- Vaudeville songs
- Vaudeville songs, Sophie Tucker
- Vaudeville songs: Joseph Miller
- Vaudville songs
- Vauedville songs: Robert Lloyd
- Ventriloquists
- Victor Herbert
- Vincent Lopez
- Vitaphone
- Vocalist
- Vocalists
- Walter Clinton and Julia Rooney
- Walter S. Sherwood
- Will E. Dulmage
- Willie Warde
- Women
- Women comedians
- Women dancers
- Women singers
- World War I
- World War II
- Ziegfield Follies
By Types
By Date
Showing: Location: San Gabriel, CA
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